a jade by any other name


i forgot to play genshin and hsr today because i was too busy making this website.

i'm jade at least half the time. other names i go by are river, lake, natt, amber, whatever names i can get my hands on. i have plenty of chinese, vietnamese, and japanese names because i like hoarding languages and names. i have so many i can't even remember them all, but i don't intend on writing them down or not adding more.

i speak english, mandarin chinese, and spanish on a really, really good day. i've got some basic literacy in japanese and indonesian, but that's about it on my journey towards being a polyglot eventually. the list of languages i've studied is pretty long if you stretch the definition of studying, but i've got resources for even more languages than that. when i get around to making my language resources pages, i'll link it here.

i also like linguistics a Normal amount. it's important to conlanging (language construction). i got resources for both of those, too, if i'm not writing them myself. note that i'm not a professional conlanger, nor have i been formally educated in linguistics.

fandoms i'm currently in are genshin impact, honkai star rail, and paradox live. if you see hetalia, no you don't. i'm not cringing, you are. if i could count languages as a fandom, i would, but i talk too much about languages for me to need to put that here.

i write sometimes and translate occasionally.

"oh, jade, you posted/reblogged/replied/etc someone/something who's problematic!" first off, if it's about fictional characters, shut up. they're not real. they have no rights. leave me alone because i don't care and it does not matter. second, if it's about languages/linguistics and i'm genuinely being insensitive and/or ignorant, then that's fine that's on me and i'll do my due diligence in research. third, related to the second, if you're mad because i don't think serbocroatian is three separate languages, then stay mad i guess because i'm not changing my mind that they're only separate languages bc of politics and nationalism.

oh yeah, last thing. about tab is about me. languages is language learning resources plus linguistic papers i find interesting and conlanging resources. fandoms is whatever fandom posting i do, including linking to my fics on ao3. other is a surprise tool that will help us later.
